Friday, November 26, 2010

Boycott Pakistan business!!! - 2nd anniversary of Nov 26

Today is a solemn day for all Indians.... the 2nd anniversary of the 26/11 attacks on Mumbai.
And what rankles me is that the masterminds who actually perpetrated this crime are still walking free in Pakistan, while we have just caught the foot soldier.
The Pak government doesn't seem to be either willing or wanting to prosecute them.
The world has given enough time and evidence for them to have taken action.

Obviously, the Indian government is too weak to do anything politically or militarily, so we - the common folks - cannot rely on them to do anything other than the usual talk.
I won't be surprised if there is another attack soon (the terrorists unfortunately aren't as ineffectual as the Indian government) and the government runs to the US to put "pressure" on Pakistan.
The same song and dance. We have seen that movie too many times before, right from the 1993 Bombay blasts.

So it got me thinking as to how as individuals we can make a difference in this situation and here's something that I think each one of us can do in our day-to-day lives.

The plan is simple:
(till the time those responsible for the Mumbai massacre are prosecuted in Pakistan)

if enough of us do so, it just might put pressure on the Pakistani government through their own citizens to take action against the terrorists.

Money talks and if enough people (Indians or otherwise) take up this cause, it would make an impact on the Pak businesses and they would notice.
The hope is that the owners of those businesses understand the language of money and will indirectly put pressure on the powers that be in Pakistan to take concrete action against the terrorists.
I have nothing against the common man of Pakistan, but economic disobedience / boycott is the only way I could think of us as individuals influencing the powers in Pakistan.

I agree it's a lofty goal and will take time but if enough of us band together, perhaps a media story would be made on this and slowly the power of the boycott would grow till it reaches the ears of the Pakistan government and as a grassroots movement, they would not be able to ignore it.

So don't buy "Made in Pakistan" goods anywhere you see them. check labels at Walmart, Target or wherever you shop.
In fact, point out to the manager why you are boycotting that product, thereby spreading the word.

Also, don't go to restaurants that have a Indian-Pakistani cuisine tag on it. You know a Indian restaurateur doesn't need to put that strange hyphenated sign on his door. I am assuming these are owned by Pakistani origin people who want to utilize the Indian brand to get one to spend our hard-earned dollars.
(for example, in the Bay Area, it means like Pakwan, Naan 'n' Curry, Chutney, Shalimar are off limits... to gain something, we have to lose something).
Note: there have been reports that some of the remittances being sent from businesses overseas to Pakistan - whether knowingly or unknowingly - end up at "charities" which are often fronts for terrorist organizations.
We don't want to contribute even a cent towards that.

A blog been setup with this message for people from around the world to comment and co-ordinate action at:-

Please pass it on to all your friends if you believe in this message.

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