Monday, April 20, 2009

The dream of Pakistan turns into a nightmare

Mr. Jinnah - the founder of the state of Pakistan - must be spinning fast in his grave given that the Pak government is handing over parts of his dream to the Taliban.
That dream of founding a nation solely based on religion is fast turning into a nightmare.

M.V.Kamath has written a good article on the beginning of the end of Pakistan here.
How can this be allowed? How long before this monster eats up the rest of the nation?
There is a saying which is apt here: "Give a camel an inch, it takes a ell" (meaning the entire space).

India has to be really worried on three accounts:-
  1. Taliban / al Qaeda on its western borders, which is more a worry than the Pakistan army.
  2. Refugees poring in from across the border, particularly Sindh. (Karachi has more than 15M people who hate the Punjabi domination and want to live in a more secular state).
  3. Eventual implosion of the Pakistan state, with NWFP, Balochistan and maybe even Sindh seceding from the Punjabi Pakistan, like what happened with Bangladesh.

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